A Real Estate transaction involves balancing price, available concessions, cash needs and monthly payments.
The AskChristee phone app provides the best finance and negotiation solutions even during showings.
The National Association of Realtors states that sales agents have a fiduciary duty to protect buyers in financial matters. Simply referring a buyer to a lender does not satisfy this duty.
Making a great first impression is hard. Homebuyers are already stressed about finances and many are distrustful of traditional sales presentations.
With AskChristee, Agents provide meaningful information that enhances their role as a ‘Trusted Advisor’ and not just another salesperson.
A Real Estate transaction involves balancing price, available concessions, cash needs and monthly payments.
The AskChristee phone app provides the best finance and negotiation solutions even during showings.
Agents struggle with lead conversion requiring upwards of 150 leads per closing. AskChristee allows Agents to immediately distinguish themselves as ‘Trusted Advisors’ and boost conversions by 10X.
AskChristee technology allows Agents to expand their market place to include 2nd home buyers, real estate investors and over 60 million potential senior homebuyers.
Today’s buyers seek trusted advisors. AskChristee helps you build meaningful connections through empathy, confidence, and expertise—for just $10/month, with no hidden fees or long-term commitments.
Free phone app and cancel anytime.
Plus, enjoy priority access to homebuyers in your marketplace as a bonus.
With 16 different modules, Christee technology provides insight to all real estate matters. Provide indepth analysis and insight without personal data such as income, debts or credit score.
View the details of each Christee module.