Christee Buy or Rent Quick Start
Many people struggle with the decision as to whether they should ‘Rent’ or ‘Purchase’ a home. Christee will provide information which will allow for an informed and intelligent decision.
Many people struggle with the decision as to whether they should ‘Rent’ or ‘Purchase’ a home. Christee will provide information which will allow for an informed and intelligent decision.
You may want to run two other Christee Modules for greater insight into purchasing a home:
-Christee’s ‘Buyer PreQual’ module to ascertain important data regarding purchasing a home.
-Christee’s ‘Buy or Wait’ module for additional detail for making a decision to purchase a home.
Below is a brief explanation for the required and optional inputs. Additionally, in the browser input form, there is a brief description for each input.
Tip: A rate of three and one eighth is entered as 3.125.
Tip: Christee ‘Buy or Rent’ does NOT develop affordability ratios. Please use the ‘Buyer PreQual’ or ‘Buyer Choice’ Program for qualifying features.
Tip: The rate could be reflective of Bank Saving Account Rate, Mutual Fund Rate, etc.
Tip: If this field is blank, then Christee will assign the mortgage interest rate as the rate.
Tip: An entry 4 would representing 4% annual appreciation. An entry of -4 would represent depreciation of 4% annually during report period.
Tip. An entry of 2, represents a 2% seller credit or contribution toward closing cost.
Tip. This amount will reduce the amount of cash required to buy.
Tip. Christee will make adjustments to the allowable seller credit based upon loan type and actual closing cost.
Tip. In the event there is a conflict between a capped LTV and loan amount entered, the loan amount will be used, provided it does not create a greater LTV.
Tip. If this field is blank, then you may download the PDF report.
Tip. Make sure you hit the ‘submit’ button after entering an email address.
Results will be displayed in your browser. Additional detail is available in the PDF file. Please review results with a recommended AskChristee Agent and Lender.
See the Resources tab for more Information. Visit Video tab for demonstration and greater insight.