Christee Buy or Wait Quick Start
Is now the right time to purchase a home or should you wait?
Christee provides the analysis and information to allow an informed decision.
The program is extremely simple to run with very powerful analytics.
Is now the right time to purchase a home or should you wait?
Christee provides the analysis and information to allow an informed decision.
The program is extremely simple to run with very powerful analytics.
It is suggested you run the Christee ‘Buyer PreQual’ program for detailed information regarding your options for purchasing a home.
Below is a brief explanation for the required and optional inputs. Additionally, in the browser input form there is a brief description for each input.
Tip. It is suggested you run ‘Buyer PreQual’ to establish (1) Mortgage Plan (2) Comfortable Sales Price (3) Comfortable Monthly Payment and (4) Cash Requirements.
Tip. A rate of three and one eighth is entered as 3.125.
Tip. In this program, ‘Income’ is used for two purposes – (a) to establish Federal Income Tax Bracket and (b) to compute front and back ratios.
Tip. In the Buy or Wait Program, Christee does NOT restrict results based upon income.
Tip. Do not include debts that will be paid off, based upon minimum monthly payment, in 12 months.
Tip. Even though results are not restricted to Income and Debts. Christee does calculate Payment and Debt- To-Income ratios which can be viewed in the PDF file.
Tip. If you are thinking about waiting one year before buying a home. You will enter ‘1’ for the ‘wait’ period.
Tip. An entry of 4 would representing 4% annual appreciation. An entry of -4 would represent depreciation of 4% annually during report period.
Tip. Credit score will affect certain calculations such as MI (mortgage insurance) and should reasonably represent your credit score.
Tip. It is suggested you do not enter property taxes in this field. It is best for Christee to estimate property taxes on current value and future value.
Tip. An entry of 2 will represent a 2% seller contribution toward buyers’ closing cost.
Tip. If the LTV (loan-to-value) exceeds permissible amount allowed for mortgage type, Christee will make the adjustments.
Tip. This amount will be utilized provided there is not conflict with mortgage type selected.
Tip. If you have entered a maximum loan amount and a maximum LTV, Christee will attempt to use both when possible. For example, we have a $350,000 price and enter a 90% max LTV and a max loan of $325,000. For the initial period of report (Buy Now Section) AskChristee utilizes the 90% limitation and then imposes the $325,000 limit on the final section of the report (Wait Section).
Tip. If this field is blank, then you may download the PDF report.
Tip. Make sure you hit the ‘submit’ button after entering an email address.
Results will be displayed in your browser. Additional detail is available in the PDF file. Please review results with a recommended AskChristee Agent and Lender.
See the Resources tab for more Information. Visit Video tab for demonstration and greater insight.